They're either in your head or hidden under your bed, notes & pads everywhere however you have not written them down in one designated, preferred place. For more, browse our prolife articles and resources, as well as see Randy's books Why ProLife?and ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments.So, you've had several exciting visions and dreams, which you've talked about, prayed about and played about. Wondering how you can help the unborn and their moms? Go to 50 Ways To Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers to find practical ways for everyone-not just pastors and church leaders-to get involved and make a difference. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:3-5) There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. How I long for our Lord to bring to us a New Earth, without war, racism, and hatred, without suffering, evil, holocausts, the exploitation of women, and the killing of children!

Even as I typed this, I had to wipe away the tears to see the words. Forgive me if I do not sound dispassionate about this issue. It will wake you up in the night and you will find yourself crying for the innocent. You will vomit and weep and never forget it. When you have seen the world of abortion on the inside, it is, I suppose, like touring a slave ship. When you have held in your hands the remains of an aborted child, as I have, it brands you deep in your heart. When you have stood outside an abortion clinic every week for years, as my wife did, talking to women who have been lied to and told they’re not really carrying a child, and that an abortion will solve their problems, it changes you. We started with a concern for the women, and have never lost our commitment to helping women in these pregnancies-financially, medically, legally, psychologically, and in any way we can. It was only later that I became involved in civil disobedience on behalf of unborn children. I joined the board of the first crisis pregnancy center in the Pacific Northwest. Watch her story and hear the message.)Īfter what we learned from having her in our home, Nanci and I knew we had to do something about helping other girls in crisis pregnancies. (Diane told her story during a message I shared for the 2010 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. She is also a passionate advocate of the unborn, and goes into prisons telling women about Christ and leading Bible studies to help them find forgiveness and healing from their abortions. She had two abortions, one before and one after the child born when she was with us. We helped her place the child for adoption, and had the joy of seeing her come to Christ. Nearly thirty years ago Nanci and I opened our home to a pregnant teenage girl who had been kicked out by her non-christian parents.

But for every reason we have, we must be ready to answer a question on the last day: “Was that reason more important than the lives of all those children I created in my image?” The desire to be popular and avoid people’s disapproval is a common reason to hold back in prolife efforts. We must realize that we’ll be held accountable, both in this life and in eternity, for how we deal with it.

This issue will not leave us as long as we live, and we will surely face it, when all is said and done, at the judgment seat of Christ. Proverbs 31:8-9 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Who is more poor and needy, more incapable of speaking up for themselves than these unborn children, created in the image of God? Who in our country has been stripped of legal protection and is being killed at the rate of over one million per year? And who will speak up for them if not us?